About us

About us
A Local Company With Local Focus
Established in 2006, we are the only privately-owned rural telco focused solely on bridging the digital divide for rural tribal communities in New Mexico.
We quickly paved the way in 2008 by successfully completing a trial of fixed wireless equipment for the USDA. Since then, we have implemented innovative methods to bring broadband service to homes in our rugged and remote territory.
We are the only rural telco in New Mexico to be awarded CAF II funding by the FCC to expand broadband service to about 400 square miles of mostly Navajo lands. We are also the only company in New Mexico to be selected by Microsoft to Serve as a partner in the development of fixed wireless and TV White Space technology to unserved rural tribal communities.

Our Mission
Sacred Wind will provide customers on and off the Navajo reservation with the highest quality telecommunications services, taking advantage of the most appropriate technologies, and we will be diligent in pursuing the most affordable alternatives for our customers.
Sacred Wind Communications intends to breathe new life in the communications systems that our customers will depend on for safety, education and economic growth.

Voted "Most Inspiring Small Business in America",
2009, American Express Shine A Light Contest
New Mexico Excellence Award, 2012
Best of Albuquerque Award, 2014
In 2006 when Sacred Wind started, only 26% of the households in our territory had access to emergency 911 telephone service and no high-speed internet. Today in 2021, all of Sacred Wind’s customers have access to emergency 911 and telephone service while at least 85% have access to some of the highest internet speeds found on tribal lands in the United States.
A Mix of Technologies Is Key
Our ongoing investment in a cutting-edge mix of technologies such as copper, fiber, microwave, infrared microwave, TV White Space and towers, helps us to expand the range of broadband connectivity for our largely unserved and underserved rural populations.
In the last two years, we've quintupled our broadband speeds and expanded coverage to 85% of Navajo homes.

Our unique array of microwave antenna enables us to deliver 100 Mbps to homes in Grants, Milan and Bluewater Village.
In the last two years, we've quintupled our broadband speeds and expanded coverage to 85% of Navajo homes.
Leveling the Playing Field
Sacred Wind Communications is committed to expanding our broadband initiatives to serve rural and tribal communities throughout New Mexico, even though high infrastructure costs per rural household are extremely high. We continue to reach small clusters of homes on Navajo lands that are separated by miles of desert and mountainous terrain. We see the importance of serving our low-income customers who are isolated from progress as the reside in extremely rural or remote areas.Many of our low-income customers reside in homes that may not be recognized as habitable structures, and lack access to basic amenities such as water, plumbing, heat and electricity. Sacred Wind has delivered voice and broadband services to a number of these home by installing small solar-powered units to power up our communications devices.

Our services help to level the playing field for marginalized communities and can have broad impact on enhancing a community's ability to thrive.
Serving the Underserved

A Navajo home comprised of a converted tool shed with Sacred Wind wireless broadband connection visible.

An actual tool shed, unconverted, that is used to house 2 adults and 2 children. The inside of this tool shed has broadband service, 2 full-sized beds, an unvented kerosene heater, and a stick lamp that is attached to a solar converter. The kitchen and bathroom are outdoors. There is no water, no electricity, and no space to sit down except on the beds.
Half of Sacred Wind's workforce is represented by the Navajo community.
Investing in Communities
Investing in Communities: Sacred Wind is committed to investing in rural and tribal communities not only through infrastructure but also through our hiring practices. Half our workforce is represented by members of the Navajo community, some of whom speak Navajo and all of whom are dedicated to enhancing the welfare of tribal families in New Mexico.

Sacred Wind is expanding broadband and telephone services to new areas of Navajo land.
Blessing Way Ceremony
We recently announced that we were a winning bidder in the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) CAF II auction to provide broadband and voice services to new areas of Navajo land where we have never operated before. We expect to offer services to 1,000 new Navajo homes.
We celebrated this major development with a Blessing Way Ceremony, led by medicine man Anderson Hoskie. Thank you to all of our partners, elected officials, and employees for making our ceremony special and beautiful. We are excited to continue our work of connecting communities for life.
We are constantly monitoring our networks for cyber attacks and potential outages.
Our Network Operations Center
Sacred Wind’s Network Operations Center, NOC, is the only one of it’s kind in the state offering central connectivity throughout Northwest NM.
We are working to keep communities connected.
Dine’ Ba’ Na’anish “Working for the people”
Sacred Wind is honored to be recognized, nationally for the work we do everyday.
Sacred Wind Communications Wins ‘Shine a Light’ Contest
In 2009, American Express in partnership with NBC Universal created their ‘Shine a Light’ program in which a national search was done for the “Most Inspiring Small Business in America.” Local businesses were to be nominated for their community involvement, and then, voted on by the nation’s populace. More than 4,000 companies were nominated and a panel of three judges – fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg, TV personality, Ellen Degeneres and MSNBC’s host of “Your Business” JJ Ramberg voted on the three finalists, of which Sacred Wind Communications was one. AMEX/ NBC Universal announced Sacred Wind as the winner of their contest on October 19, 2009.
“Our winning the award is an affirmation of our industry’s value in rural areas,”said John Badal, co-founder and CEO of Sacred Wind Communications, Inc. “Whether a rural telecom carrier or a supplier to such carriers, we bridge the IT divide on a daily basis with little to no fanfare. Sacred Wind’s team of dedicated employees is the main factor in the recognition we’ve received. Their “can do” attitude and their compassion for the many unserved customers in this remote area have transformed a business responsibility into a mission.”
As the winner in the American Express/ NBC Universal ‘Shine a Light’ contest, Sacred Wind received a cash award of $50,000 and an additional $50,000 in marketing support from American Express. Sacred Wind donated half of the cash award to its non-profit’s scholarship fund, creating a scholarship for the Navajo Technical College and supporting the American Indian Graduate Center’s scholarship program.