Residential high-speed internet

Residential High-speed internet
Live in Grants, Milan or Bluewater? Click here for your high-speed internet options from Connect 66.
Affordability Connectivity Program (ACP) will pay for most of your bill!
Call now to get connected!
Internet & Voice Subscription
25M at $75.00 or 50M at $85.00
High-Speed Internet Only
25M at $85.00 or 50M at $90.00
Customer responsible for all taxes
Free Modem! CALL TO SIGN UP!
Click here to complete a high-speed internet application.
Send questions to or call 877-722-3393.
The monthly fees shown above include a free internet modem. Installation charges may apply. Customers who qualify for Tribal Link-Up can receive a one-time discount (a 100% reduction) on the installation charge for new service at the applicant's primary residence.
Sacred Wind’s HSI Service is subject to the availability of facilities and capacity. Not all speeds are available in all areas.
Please call the Business Office at 877-722-3393 for availability in your area and for information on Tribal Link-Up qualifications. Stay tuned for further upgrades in your area. Please review our Terms and Conditions.
Please refer to our service territory map for chapters where we provide service.
Please note: Eagle internet is internet only.
Speed | Price |
15 M | $75.00 |
25 M | $85.00 |
50 M | $105.00 |
75 M | $115.00 |
100 M | $120.00 |
These speeds and prices apply when you sign up for telephone service with Sacred Wind.
Please visit voice service pricing. Click here for residential phone.
Use Tribal Lifeline for up to a $34.25 discount.
Speed | Price |
15 M | $65.00 |
25 M | $75.00 |
50 M | $85.00 |
75 M | $95.00 |
100 M | $110.00 |
We are now serving parts of Gallup, please click here for more information!
The Affordable Connectivity Program will stop accepting new applications and enrollments on February 7, 2024. Consumers must be approved and enrolled with a service provider by 11:59 p.m. ET on February 7th to receive the ACP benefit.
Transfer your ACP Benefits
If you have the Affordable Connectivity Program Benefit now, you can apply your subsidy to your Broadband service with Sacred Wind Communications by transferring your benefit. If you would like to transfer your ACP benefit, contact us at 877-722-3393
Need Help Bridging the Homework Gap?
If you qualify for the Federal Lifeline Program, you can use your Lifeline Discount toward your home internet bill and help your child succeed.
Call our Lifeline experts toll free at (877) 722-3393